
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Every Valley

The world doesn't go away just because the holidays are here.  Even the most stubborn optimist must sometimes remove the rose-tinted glasses.

Mine were most decidedly not on this morning as I was working in a quick run before the rain started up again. When the mostly all-carols classical station switched over to a sedate Haydn number I switched my little iPod mini from radio to music. I needed a Messiah fix!

"Every valley shall be exalted," sang the tenor. "And every mountain and hill made low; the crooked straight and the rough places plain." At "crooked," he warbled between notes. At "straight" he rang out true and bold.

I thought of all the souls these words have comforted through the centuries. I thought of how they were comforting me this morning. Every valley exalted. Yes!