Sunday, January 6, 2013


Today is the Feast of the Epiphany, the traditional end of the Christmas season and the point at which I begin to be faintly restless that our tree is still up.

But no matter, because today is about something bigger. Revelation, the ah-hah moment — sudden clarity.  Indecisive by nature (even my zodiac sign is Gemini, the twins), I find few moments of clarity in life. So I value them more.

Today I learned we have James Joyce to thank for this definition of "epiphany." This morning's "Writer's Almanac" tells us that Joyce "used the word to mean the 'revelation of the whatness of a thing,'  the moment when 'the soul of the commonest object [...] seems to us radiant.'"

The soul of the commonest object radiant. Something to think about today.


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