Friday, December 6, 2013

Virtual Recall

I've now read half a dozen or so books on my Kindle and the verdict (for me, at least) is in. While my book recall is poor enough with ink-on-paper tomes, it is almost nonexistent with the electronic product.

Night before last, at my book group's annual book-picking, my friend Gwen proposed The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes. Oh, that's lovely, I said. And it was. I remember that much.

"What's it about?" Marianne asked.

I pondered, I reached way back into the dim recesses of memory (nine months?) and ... came up with nothing. Only that it was lovely and I enjoyed it.

Luckily, my book group friends totally understood. They have also experienced "Kindle Brain." In fact, just a few minutes later, someone would propose a book we already read -- and it would take us half an hour to notice it.

Thank God it was a book I'd read in hard copy. Had it been electronic I would be re-reading it now.


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