Friday, June 5, 2015

Ninety-Three Percent

Just back from a walk in the mist, the air filled with moisture. Good for the skin, bad for the hair (I've given up this week) and, when one is out in it, good for the soul.

How can this be?  It's the first week of June, a time when blossoms should be bursting from the branch, a time of blue skies and not yet broiling temperatures. This year a week of steady rain and heavy mist, of sodden soil and fallen petals.

Look carefully at the air and you can see the droplets there, a drizzle so fine it surprises itself.

I originally titled this post "Ninety-Nine Percent," because I couldn't imagine how air could hold more moisture than it's holding today. But I checked the weather and found that it's ninety-three.

Six percent more? No way.


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