Thursday, September 7, 2017

Faded Flower

The wonder of it all is why we're not all sick more often. Or at least that's what I think when laid low. I mean, think of the germs we come into contact with on a daily basis. Think of our valiant immune systems, fighting them off.

But sometimes, our immune systems come up against something they can't surmount. That's what's happened to me since I returned from Bangladesh. While I'd like to think this is something I picked up at home, all signs point to it being a souvenir of my wonderful trip.

I've been remembering the last couple of days. Should I have peeled that apple before eating it? It came from the swanky Dhaka hotel, so I didn't. Or did I ingest a smidgen of non-bottled water when brushing my teeth?

Questions without answers. All I know is that I feel a lot like the faded flower pictured here. Nothing to do but hang on, wait it out — and keep pumping the ginger ale.


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