Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Warp Speed

At some point in my young life I decided that busyness was a key to happiness. I don't remember making a conscious decision about this, but I do recall getting involved in one club or class after another. Why not join the choir, take modern dance, continue with piano lessons? Why not become a resident assistant in a dorm the same year I'm learning to be a high school English teacher?

Most of the time I could pull this off. Sometimes I made myself crazy. But life is seldom boring.

I write about this today because it's one of those busy stretches when the amount of tasks to be completed make me dizzy. Most of these are work-related but there are a few personal ones thrown into the mix.

In fact, I shouldn't even take the time to write this post. Too late now, though, it's al... most ... done!

(Seascapes can be relaxing when living at warp speed.)


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