Sunday, February 24, 2019

Temple Day

My day off was conveniently timed with our presence near one of Earth's great World Heritage sites.

We began in the dark, walking across the moat on a floating bridge with only moonlight and phone light to guide us.  We ate a picnic breakfast as Angkor Wat emerged from the night.

A couple of hours exploring it ...

then it was off by tuk-tuk to Ta Prohm, the ruined temple pictured at the top of this post.

Bayon with its great carved faces is still to come, but I'm thinking it will be hard to match the evocative world of Ta Prohm with its twisted trees and downed pillars, its roots and its riches.

"Look on me, ye mighty and despair," Shelley's lines, come to mind. But in this case there are no "lone and level sands" stretching far away.

Instead, there are piles of rock and lichened carvings and tree trunks still as stone.


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