Sunday, October 27, 2019


If I ever doubt I am my mother's daughter, I need look no further than my pockets ... or my purse ... or the sleeves of a cardigan. For in all of those places, I am sure to find ... tissues.

I was just downstairs washing a pair of Mom's pants that I have decided to give away. I will snap a photo of them before doing so, a new practice I've been told works wonders in the quest to declutter. But before putting them in the washer, I checked the pockets — and there, of course, I found a Kleenex.

Mom kept them everywhere. Her pocketbooks were full of them and so were her bedclothes. It was probably the problematic sinuses that have come to plague her children as well, and the lung condition she suffered certainly didn't help.

But to me the tissues are endearing — and I hope I never come to the end of them.

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