Saturday, January 11, 2020

Blank Slate

I've started off the new year with almost as much clutter as before — with one notable exception: I cleared off one counter in the kitchen. I banished the bread box, moved the canisters and corralled the papers. Which means I begin 2020 with one clean sweep of vintage Formica.

I'm not sure why I did this, but there must be a deep-seated need to begin the year with a blank slate, to clear the way for 12 more months of experiences ... and stuff.

Nature abhors a vacuum, of course, especially in this house, and things are constantly piling up on the counter: newspapers, mail, glasses, crumbs. But so far nothing I can't dispatch quickly to its intended spot or to the recycling bin.

This won't last long, I know. The house in general is full to bursting. There's a warren of boxes in the basement, and a vanity and bathtub in the garage ... but here in my kitchen, at this very moment, there is a lovely open countertop. And I'm going to keep it that way as long as I can.

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