Sunday, March 1, 2020


To say there are signs of spring on this first day of March is to be redundant. We've had signs of spring since January. Better to say there is a freshness in the air, a whiff of change. It's not as cold as yesterday, and the breeze that's blowing is warmer.

We're only a week away from the time change, and the light is racing toward equilibrium.  Though we've barely had winter, we are inching toward spring.

I remember a time when I would have thought this cheating, would have felt we hadn't paid our dues and needed one good blizzard to set us right. I don't feel this way anymore. If we can sneak by without a polar vortex or "snowpocalypse" so much the better.

It's almost-spring, a season of its own this year with snowdrops blooming in January and daffodils in February. When there's almost-spring ... there's not much of winter.


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