Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Fifth of July

It was the first time in a long time that I didn't see a live fireworks display. But because I didn't — or for a thousand other reasons, some of them valid — last night's show was especially touching to me.

Maybe it was because of the anger in the air, justified to some extent but frightening, too, because it seems to be blinding us to all that is good about our country. Or maybe it was because I always appreciate a fine soundtrack, and televised viewing allows for that. (What could be better than fireworks plus "Stars and Stripes Forever"?)

Mostly I think it was because there is still so much good in our country, and we are having such a tough time of it, are hurting in so many ways. I worry that we have lost sight of what makes us great, of "e pluribus unum." But last night, sitting in front of the TV with a bowl of popcorn in my arms (dinner!) I found cause for optimism. I hope it lasts.


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