Friday, August 13, 2021

The Big 1

Today our grandson Isaiah celebrates his first birthday with a party, presents and a smash cake —  something we had back in the day but just called "cake."

He's a cheerful little fellow who's on the cusp of walking, who likes to point and say "dutz?" or "dat?" and who's totally at home with two huge German shepherds and a dog-sized cat. 

I love him to pieces, of course — how could I not? But I find it difficult to write about him and his younger cousin Bernadette. How many ways can you say adorable, huggable and snuggly? How can I retain even a smidgen of objectivity when writing about this pair?

For years I penned articles for parenting magazines. While I conducted research and interviewed experts, I also used my daughters' bedtime routines, imaginary companions or other age-appropriate behavior as anecdotes. The girls were first and foremost my precious children, of course, but sometimes ... they were material. 

This is not the case with the grandkids. They are pure pleasure, not only because we can send them home at the end of the day but also because there's not one published anecdote about them. Unless you count the occasional blog post, of course!


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