Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Three Layers

Three layers on today, plus wool socks and, at least for the moment, a hoodie over my head. It's been months since I put on this many sweaters. Must be November!

Life without seasons holds no appeal, would be flat and boring. But as daylight shrinks and cold winds blow, I feel a shiver that comes not just from the cold upstairs room where I write these days. It comes, too, from the knowledge of what awaits us.

The leaves that glitter golden now will soon fall, turn brown, need raking. The winds will shudder in from the west, bowing the bamboo and penetrating even the hardy siding.

Even though I try to live in the moment, to take each challenge as it comes, it's hard not to anticipate this perpetual, seasonal one, the dying of the light.

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