Friday, September 1, 2023

When Your Heart Speaks

Through the randomness of notebook selection, the travel journal I took along for this trip has the following words on its cover: "When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes."

It was a gift from long ago, and I always liked its whimsical, wry message. I chose it for the trip because I'd just completed one of my larger, hardbound journals and was looking for something smaller and lighter. 

The notebook worked like a charm. It's 6 inches by 6 inches, spiral bound, 180 pages. I wrote loopy and large with generous margins (unlike my usual), and am hoping to finish it today, cheating by just two days with "end-of-trip" thoughts. 

I've leafed through it this morning, marveling at what I might already have forgotten had I not written it down: the taxi driver in Fort William who used to be a shepherd, the group of hikers in Kererrer who found my sweater and gave us a ride back to town from the ferry, the absolutely perfect cottage I saw during that rainy walk in Oban.

It wasn't my heart that was speaking. It was the world. 


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