Monday, June 3, 2024

Busy, Busy

It's mulching season. Actually, it may be past mulching season, though I suppose it's still mulching season somewhere, especially if you still have mulch to spread. 

Speaking of that, as I walk through the neighborhood, I spy much mulch. There are piles of it in driveways, waiting to be shoveled and carted to the backyard, and bags of it strategically placed under trees or beside garden beds. 

I've decided that having an array of mulch bags deposited around the property is the perfect way to look busy. It's proof positive that mulching may occur in the future if it hasn't already. 

When we first moved to this tidy suburban neighborhood, I had a thing about mulch. It seemed the epitome of uptight lawn care. But through the years I've come to understand its value: the moisture it keeps in, the weeds it keeps out. If nothing else, it lets neighbors know we care. 

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