Yesterday morning the plows made it through, so four days of newspapers landed in the driveway with a thud.
We weren't exactly information starved over the long weekend. I always enjoy the hyped-up local TV and radio news before, during and after a snowstorm. And there's the Capital Weather Gang, my go-to website with more analytics and blizzard models than you'd ever want to know.
Still, it was a relief to get the print product, to see this recent meteorological event dubbed one "for the ages". It was almost (not quite) as if seeing it in print meant it really, truly happened. At the very least it was verification and retrospection.
But, this being a lively and full house, the papers were soon scattered across the counter and coffee table. Drinks were set down on them, breadcrumbs shaken on them. And more than anything else, they — their late arrival, the news they bore — became part of the memory of this moment.