But I came, most of all, for the place, for its beauty and rhythms and peacefulness. I've tried to capture it in words and photographs and mindset. And now, I'll do my best to take it back.
"When everything else has gone from my brain ... what will be left, I believe, is topology: the dreaming memory of land as it lay this way and that." Annie Dillard
Friday, April 22, 2016
Marsh Sunrise
I was out early this morning for a bike ride around the refuge and a walk on the beach. The sun was rising, and though I missed its first rays on the strand I caught them on the marsh. It was more stunning, if that is possible.
I came to the beach for a few days to clear my head and punctuate what came before from what comes next. In that I was moderately successful. A lot has come before, after all.
But I came, most of all, for the place, for its beauty and rhythms and peacefulness. I've tried to capture it in words and photographs and mindset. And now, I'll do my best to take it back.
But I came, most of all, for the place, for its beauty and rhythms and peacefulness. I've tried to capture it in words and photographs and mindset. And now, I'll do my best to take it back.