Monday, December 31, 2018


I'll try to make tomorrow's post brisk and wide-awake and forward-looking.  But today's is ... a celebration of slumber.

That's because, though I've done a bit of visiting, baking, cleaning, reading and movie-watching these last 10 days, what I've done most and best of all is sleep.

This is not an insignificant achievement, since sleep is something that often eludes me in the normal course of events. Faced with a slew of hours to fill, I'm glad I've filled many with early bedtimes, late mornings and even a three-hour nap!

I've enjoyed waking up to light, not darkness; to knowing there's no Metro to catch or work to do. As January 2 draws nigh, what I will miss most about these lovely, end-of-year days is the ability to roll over and catch some more winks.


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