Monday, April 26, 2010

In Medias Res

I love this phrase. I first learned what it meant when I read The Odyssey in high school. "In the middle of things." It's how The Odyssey begins: in the middle of the story.

Some days begin "in medias res." I'm catching up with myself before I've even begun. Today was like that. I woke up thinking about one of the 120 professor profiles I'm editing at work. Have I pulled out the sidebar information? Have I shown it to the professor? Plainly, it was time to get up.

So I did, and because my morning began before it started, I've tried to provide a more intentional counterpoint: I've read, I've written in my journal, and now my entry here. The weather is still and quiet, perfect for catching my breath, for attending to bird song, for feeling, in my bones, that this is a new day, a fresh start, a gift.


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