Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Yesterday: a walk at lunchtime. A still morning with just enough warmth in the air that I only wear a sweatshirt — but just enough chill in the air that I wish I had worn more. In my ears, Vivaldi, "The Four Seasons." In my head: thoughts of the tragedy in Japan, "thoughts that lie too deep for words." The multiple catastrophes, the layered ironies — they are almost too much to comprehend.

Some offers of help
have come with a statement saying that this is not Japan's disaster alone; that it belongs to the world community, that we will all help however we can. With the worsening news of nuclear explosions and meltdowns the disaster may yet belong to all of us. But it belongs first of all to the Japanese people, and what I find most heartbreaking is their stoicism and dignity. To say that we pray for them is a given. Would it help to say we can't stop thinking about them, that those of us on safe, dry ground (if there is such a thing) are crying for them?
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