Wednesday, August 31, 2011


"My favorite poem is the one I've just written," said the Latin American poet Ernesto Cardenale. I listened to Cardenale on the radio yesterday as I walked through a steadily darkening dusk.

This made me wonder: Is my favorite blog post the one I've just written. It's not, of course. I can't call them all to mind anymore now, because there have been hundreds, though some stand out. One or two I've written in New York, some of my European ones from May 2010, book reviews, and odd, random ones, like the paragraphs I wrote August 18, 2010, the day we donated our old car, or one earlier that month, August 2, about sunsets awing us into silence.

The fact is, some days posts come easily and some days they don't. The point is not the ease. The point is the doing.


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