Monday, December 19, 2011

Waiting Time

One of my favorite Christmas carols is actually an Advent hymn, "O Come O Come Emmanuel." Every time I hear it this season I wonder (even as I sing along) why I like it. Certainly not because of its sunny key and tone. It's slow, solemn and in a minor key.

But there is something noble and ancient and timeless about it. The very essence of Advent, of waiting. In it I hear the echo of the human voice through the centuries, processing down the stone aisle of a medieval cathedral. In it I hear the sighs of longing and of patience.

Advent is often overlooked in the pre-Christmas rush to buy, wrap, mail and decorate. But I've always found it a soothing season, one of hopeful waiting and pleasant anticipation. In a way, I don't want it to end.

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