Monday, December 29, 2014

Mine the Gaps

I began this blog in February 2010 with only a vague sense of what I wanted it to be and how long I could continue it. I wasn't even sure how often I would post. But a few weeks into the project I realized I could post almost every day — at least six days a week — and I've done that for  59 months and 1,500 posts.

That's 1,500 posts exactly. Strange I would notice the total today. Strange because after tomorrow I may not be posting daily. Benin has spotty Internet access, spotty electricity, too. So while I'm taking my laptop in hopes of posting as often as possible, there may be gaps.

However ... gaps could be good. Gaps mean less reflecting and more living. Gaps mean life comes at you so quickly that there simply isn't time to write it down. So, dear readers, if there are gaps, please know I am mining them — and I'll write about them here soon.

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