Thursday, June 27, 2019

Chaotic Sidewalks

It's not just road construction, which this morning changed the bus route at both ends of my commute. It's not just the demolition of buildings in Crystal City, which makes the walk to my office a jingling, jangling, high-decibel adventure every day.

It's the darned motorized scooters, too, which seem to be standing or lying everywhere I try to walk. On a quick lunch-break stroll, the scooters are there. On my way in every morning and home every night, they're cluttering up the bus stop and turning the sidewalks into an obstacle course.

I know I sound like a curmudgeon, and I can appreciate the freedom they promise. But the dangers of these devices are being realized as their riders land in doctor's offices and emergency rooms. And that's for the people who sign up for them.

What about those of us who don't?

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