Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Battling Ants

For several months, we've been engaged in a valiant fight against tiny ants that have taken up residence in the kitchen. Several times they seem to have been vanquished — only to return a few days later with reinforcements.

I have no problem with ants as long as they stay outside. Let them have their ant hills, their cooperative societies, let them lug crumbs around on their little backs. But once they invade my house, I'm going after them.

The problem is, nothing seems to help — no vinegar, diatomaceous earth, no home remedy. Various over-the-counter poisons sideline the critters for a few days ... then they come marching back — not two by two, as the song says, but just as resolutely.

I'm always a little loathe to call in the professionals, whose remedies, I fear, may be worse than the problem itself. But on Friday, I'm officially giving in.  This has evolved from a skirmish to a battle. By the end of the week, it will be a war.

(Hoping there's not something like this under my house.)

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