Monday, October 7, 2019

Room with a View

This morning I moved all my worldly office possessions a few steps down the hall into an office. It has four walls (one of them glass), no door and two huge windows. Best of all, I can turn off the overhead light and leave it off to my heart's content.

Once they figure out how to mount my Mac monitor (this is most assuredly a PC environment) on a standing desk, I'll be able to stand up in here too (something I was reluctant to do in Cubicle Land).

I write this post (quickly, during my break) looking southeast at the building across the courtyard and the train tracks that run all the way to Florida. Beyond the trees is the highway, then the airport, then the Potomac River and Maryland.

I've been lusting after an office since I arrived here, and I'll only have this one a few months (we move to a new building next spring). But while I'm here, I plan to enjoy it. And sitting here looking out the window, laptop on lap, feet resting on trashcan ... is an excellent way to begin.

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