Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Snowflake Spotting

Snowflakes were spotted yesterday, and the temperature never rose about the "high" of 37 that greeted me when I woke up. It's Arctic air, the weather people said, and I wonder: Does Arctic air feel colder than plain old winter air?

Today I'd have to say yes. That may be because it was 15 degrees when I woke up and there's a stiff breeze out there, too. Emerging from the Crystal City Underground felt like a slap in the face. Even just a few hundred feet of exposure was enough to send me shivering inside.

But the sun is bright and a big old moon was still up this morning when I walked Copper across the frost-stiffened grass. We're moving closer to solstice, so 'tis the season for shivering. Which is just what I'm doing now.

(Caution: Snowflakes in the window may be smaller — and less real — than they appear.)

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