Sunday, February 16, 2020

Celebrating Neighbors

Research has proven that our moods may be lifted higher by a random conversation than by all the cajoling of a close loved one. If this is true — and I have anecdotal evidence that it is — neighbors are likely some of its greatest practitioners.

Neighbors are the ones we bump into while picking up the newspaper at the mailbox (regrettably, while wearing a bathrobe some mornings). The ones we grumble with during the fall raking season. And they are the ones whose banter may unwittingly set our day on a upward course. 

We were lucky enough to fall into a group of neighbors all relatively new to the neighborhood when we moved in. Most had young children, many had chosen this neighborhood for the big backyards and nearby woods. In a region I always thought would be transient, this neighborhood has been remarkably stable. It's a place where people notice, where people care.

Last night we said farewell to some of our oldest, dearest neighbors. Though I'm sad to lose them, the send-off was such a celebration of neighborliness that I'm left not with sadness, but with joy.

(A Virginia neighborhood from the air.)

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