Wednesday, February 5, 2020

ISO Good Books

Sometimes when the world doesn't seem quite right, I realize it's because I'm not reading a good book. I might be flipping through a volume I picked up at the library or trudging through a tome that's been on my nightstand too long, but I'm not caught up with a new idea, not taking notes on the little slips of paper that pass for bookmarks in my reading life.

Instead I'm reading the newspaper on public transportation and falling asleep too quickly when I read in bed.

What to do? Usually I turn to book lists I've kept, the recommendations of others, or even Goodreads — although I am suspicious of any booklist which also tries to sell me lipstick.

One thing I know: This book-less state won't last long. Soon enough I will be halfway through something I can't put down. And once again, all will be right with the world.

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