Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Sweet Normalcy

Okay, I take back what I said about yesterday. It wasn't a "not so super Tuesday." It was a surprisingly pleasant Tuesday, and went a long way toward removing the sense of existential dread that has been dogging me of late.

It gave me hope that someday we might have sweet normalcy again — a time when civility rules, when I'm not afraid to read the newspaper, and eventually, when it's permissible to shake hands or cough discretely into a tissue.

Normalcy is always underrated until it goes into hiding. But today I sat on Metro appreciating the ride and the sunshine streaming into the car when it was above-ground. And now I look over at the nondescript office building outside my window, watching a reflection of the planes taking off at National Airport. And I think that normal hasn't looked this good in a long time.


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