Wednesday, April 15, 2020


If someone asks me a few months from now how I got through the quarantine,  I will say, well, I kept breathing. This will sound flippant and I won't mean it to.  It's not just that I kept breathing. But I've kept breathing.

The italics are important. They denote not just the unconscious, staying-alive kind of breathing, but also the breathing that's suggested in guided meditations and yoga classes, which I've been taking plenty of these last several weeks.

This is focused breathing, in-and-out-through-the-nose breathing or sometimes in-through-the-nose-out-through-the-mouth breathing. It's putting one hand on my heart and one hand on my stomach and feeling the breath moving through my body. It's becoming aware of the rise and fall, the inflow and outflow.

I'm a remedial meditation student, but I am learning to appreciate the power of deep breathing to settle the mind and calm the body. Breathe in, breathe out. Ah, that's better.

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