Sunday, April 5, 2020

Virtual Palm Sunday

I've been getting by this Lent with recorded services, special sermons and spiritual readings. But beginning today and for the next week, it will be, to say the least, quite strange.

A virtual Palm Sunday? Good Friday on the telly? And Easter with no live Mass, no big feast with ham and deviled eggs? And what of my decades-old yellow suit with the shoulder pads. I guess it will be staying in the closet this year (which, to tell the truth, is probably where it should remain).

Human beings are nothing if not adaptable, though. We've already begun planning Zoom family gatherings to touch base and check in. We will each make our own deviled eggs this year, our own hams and asparagus. We'll show off our feasts and toast each other in cyberspace.

But for today, it's the start of Holy Week and I sit in my living room scrolling through services. Do I want to live-stream from St. Patrick's or the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception? How do I want to celebrate Palm Sunday ... other than with no palms?

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