Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Most Beautiful Day

Today we celebrate the birthday of a daughter who is about to become a mother. It has me thinking back to the day when she was born, a most glorious day, as all three of the days were when my children came into this world. 

In this case, however, July 28 was the day when an oppressive heat wave had finally broken. My second-born, who was due almost two weeks earlier, had apparently been waiting until the temperature was back below 90 before she made her appearance. The weather had turned overnight, a cool breeze had sprung up, which led the TV weather person to announce "This is the most beautiful day of the year." 

It's something I've always repeated to Claire, and today was no exception. "It's certainly not the most beautiful day of the year today," she responded, referring to our high temperature and oppressive humidity. 

"That's because it's waiting for when your baby is born," I said. And of course, no matter what, it will be. 


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