Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Going in Circles

Happy is the house that allows circumnavigation — by which I mean, happy is the house that allows you to walk in circles through the rooms, 

Our house has an open living room, a center hall that leads into an office (dining room in a former life), which opens onto the kitchen, which flows into the living room. Put these features together and you have a perfect venue for ... going in circles. 

This might seem unimportant, and I didn't think about it when we were buying, but once the girls were toddlers, they loved running loop-the-loops, chasing the cat or evading a parent. Copper uses this configuration for his victory laps. It also comes in handy when you need to pace.

In short, circumnavigation is a nice feature to have in a house. It provides an openness and flexibility that is sorely lacking in many aspects of life. And though I have only anecdotal research to back me up, it may even keep one limber. It's not a feature I would have put at the top of my list when choosing a house, but now that I have it, I can't imagine one without it. 

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