Monday, June 14, 2021

Thoughts on Emergence

In a single afternoon last week, I masked up and was led to a hand-washing station before a doctor's appointment. Later, at a small boutique, I had my temperature checked and was told to use hand sanitizer before venturing in. 

At my last stop of the day,  a small shop that sells Catholic books and gifts, I was one of the few folks wearing a mask. "How do people expect us to breathe in one," grumbled the proprietress, sans mask, as she wrapped up my purchase.  

Such is life as we emerge from pandemic restrictions here in northern Virginia.

In my travels to the Northwest almost a month ago, we wore masks most everywhere, including on the sidewalk in some neighborhoods, attempting to fit in with the locals. Yesterday, at a brunch in Arlington, the restaurant was fully occupied with scarcely a mask in sight. 

It's a weird hodgepodge and infinitely preferable to what we had this time last year. So I'm not complaining, only observing that if there is one truth somewhere, one right way to do things, I'm not sure who knows it. 

(Disinfectant, anyone? At Pike Place Market in Seattle, May 15.)

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