Friday, July 16, 2021

For Bart

The quick and surprising death of our parakeet Bart on Wednesday brings to mind this quotation from Jeremy Bentham: "The question is not, can they reason? nor, can they talk? but, can they suffer?"

The poor bird never seemed as chipper as his cage mate, Alfie, and back in March, I feared Bart was on his last legs. But he perked up and lived several more months to nibble and climb and spar with Alfie.

There was little clue to what ailed him, but I hope his suffering was brief. It certainly seemed that way. 

Now Alfie is left alone in the cage. He's outlived two other budgies, and we'll look soon for a new bird to join him. 

Birds are creatures of air and movement and song. And that's the way I'd like to remember Bart. 

(Bart in a recent photo shoot.)


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