Sunday, October 3, 2021

Morning Thought

For someone who doesn't always sleep through the night, I'm always grateful to wake up, glance at the clock and see that it's truly morning, not some middle-of-the-night hour. (Glancing at the clock is necessary now as the light dwindles. I did it this today since it was still dim at 6:30.)

It strikes me often, though, that the gratitude I feel upon finishing a seven- or eight-hour snooze ought to carry over to the four- or five-hour  variety, as  well. After all, I usually drift back, and when I don't, there is always something relaxing I can do: read or write or pick up a dream thread and follow it back to its source. 

William Arthur Dunkerley said it best: "Thank God for sleep! And when you cannot sleep, still thank him that you live to lie awake!"

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