Monday, April 4, 2022

The Walking Cure

Solvitur ambulando — "it is solved by walking" — is the unofficial motto of this blog. Throughout the years, the walks I've taken have not just stretched my legs and bolstered my mood; they have also proved, over and over again, that simply getting up and moving is the solution to many of life's problems.  

For the most part, then, despite all the physical advantages it brings, I still see walking's chief benefit to be a mental one.

What I remembered this weekend, when I strolled outside for the first time in seven days—after being down with a cold and other annoyances—is how walking helps a body recuperate. The combination of fresh air and footfall working their magic.

The walks were not the fastest I've ever taken, nor did they cover the most ground. But they took me out of the house and into the wide world, and I was grateful for them.


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