Sunday, November 27, 2022


A friend of mine wrote a one-act play about Advent called "Wait — It's a Musical." I always liked the title, the play on the word "wait." I'm thinking of that play and that title today, on the first Sunday of the liturgical year. 

Every year the readings and sermons remind us that this is the season of watchful waiting, of calm preparation. Every year, this message must compete with tinsel and glitter and Mariah Carey belting out "All I Want for Christmas is You." 

So I try, and somewhat succeed ... for a week or two. But inevitably I'm pulled into the Christmas orbit. The shopping, the baking, the watching of holiday movies, one of which features, yes, "All I Want for Christmas is You."

On an overcast November morning, it's easy to feel the ancient longing, to hear the plainsong chant. But in a week or two, all bets will be off. 

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