Saturday, September 2, 2023

A Souvenir

I returned home with an unwelcome souvenir: a case of Covid, the first time for me, or at least the first I've known about. Luckily, I didn't contract the virus until a couple of days before departure, and it didn't fully reveal itself until I got home. Since home is the best place to be when under the weather, I've been more reconciled to the trip's end.

On the other hand, I miss the energy that usually accompanies a return: the joy of hugging family I've missed, the bustle of doing the laundry — mine is still piled up, optimistically, in front of the washing machine.

I'll spend the next few days sipping Gatorade, nibbling crackers ... and dreaming about where I was last month. 

(Portree, on the Isle of Skye)

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