Tuesday, August 13, 2024


As a term it is a mouthful, and as a practice ... it's a mouthful, too. But just a nibble of a mouthful. 

Elevenses is a break Brits enjoy at 11 a.m., time to pour a cup of tea, nibble on a biscuit and catch one's breath during a busy morning. 

I often find myself wanting a snack at 11 a.m., especially if I haven't had much breakfast. And if I'm walking after a few hours of writing, this is the perfect time to stoke up for the expedition to come. 

Perfect for this repast is a handful of the animal crackers I impulsively bought last week. They have little taste but a satisfying crunch, and they certainly won't interfere with lunch a couple hours later. 

So here's to elevenses, a most civilized practice. 

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