Thursday, August 8, 2024

Inheriting the Sun

It took a poison ivy search to bring them to light, a careful combing of the backyard in preparation for a children's party here this weekend. At first I didn't know what they were, saw only the fallen petals, tiny blossoms in the grass.

Then I looked up, saw the bent boughs of the crepe myrtle shining in the sun. It's my $2 tree, one of the stock I purchased from the Arbor Day Foundation years ago and planted without much hope. It's 20 feet tall ... and it's blooming. 

Vibrant pink flowers are weighing down the spindly top of the unpruned tree, blooming earlier than the other crepe myrtles in the yard, which are, unfortunately, planted in the shade. 

But this little guy inherited the sun, grabbed the rays when the big oaks came down. He is reaping the harvest. We all are.

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