Thursday, September 19, 2024

Making it Fun

For the last week or so I've been becoming more familiar with PowerPoint than I ever wanted to be. After much angst and effort, I managed to pull together a handful of slides and share them with class last night, no small feat for this technophobe.

I will have to do it again several times this semester, but not for as long and I hope with a slightly higher confidence level. And then there's something else I'd like to add: a sense of fun. 

The classes I'm taking this fall are not required. No one is forcing me back to school. I'm not working toward a career goal. This is to keep the old gray matter churning. Instead, it's the stomach that's been doing loop-the-loops. 

Maybe next time it will be easier. I'm counting on it.  

(Photo of an old bomb I used to illustrate one of my slides last night. ... It's a long story.)


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