Monday, July 15, 2013

Journey Without Maps

I just started reading a book by this title. It's written by Graham Greene, whose work I usually enjoy, although not sure about this one. Still, you can't beat the title.

In fact, the title itself has me thinking. "Journey without maps" sounds so exotic, so adventurous — traveling to a place beyond civilization, where rivers have not been charted, roads not cleared. How many places can we go now that are unexplored, mysterious, limitless in possibility? How many of those places would we want to visit?

Like many titles, this one doesn't work anymore. Now we would call it "Journey Without A Phone."

As the map — like the land line, the address book (heck, the book itself) — joins the slide rule and the 8-track player on the road to oblivion, we who remember and cherish these items are embarking on our own journey. And it, too, is a journey without maps.

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