Friday, July 6, 2018

Grading Copper

Such is the nature of our times that not only do we receive "Service Feedback" emails from the dog sitting outfit caring for Copper and the parakeets, but the emails also contain photos.

These give me a taste of the current childcare scene, of nanny cams and hidden cameras. The general atmosphere of surveillance that overlays this line of work. It's a little bit about checking up on and a lot about missing.

Yesterday's email was a surprise, as was Copper's "grade" of "B," which though "Very Good" was not, obviously, good enough. I'm assuming he missed an "A" because he was "a bit testy" during breakfast.

Did the sitter hover too close to his food bowl? Was blood drawn?

I'm hoping the answers to these questions are "no" and "no." And I was relived that this morning's email contained an "A+" rating. Copper "was more interested in snuggles than food." He's lonely, poor guy. But at least he's behaving himself.

(Photo: Becky's Pet Care)


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