Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sunday on the Deck with Work

I'm spending a large portion of the weekend working not on my own stuff but on Winrock's. This isn't typical, so I don't mind it occasionally, and it's for a good cause.

When I do things like this I'm taken back to my freelance days, when work and life were more of a piece. I interviewed people, wrote stories, raised daughters, cooked and took care of the house. These joys and duties were mish-mashed together in a sometimes glorious, often exhausting round of duties and responsibilities.

An interview, a carpool, a long writing session. Followed by another carpool and an after-dinner writing session. Somehow, the work always got done, the daughters got raised.

And this was accomplished with no cubicles, time sheets or meetings.

So now when I'm called upon to juggle free time and assignments, it doesn't seem strange. It seems like how things oughta be.

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