Monday, September 17, 2018

A Dose of Common Sense

Walk as much as you like, the doctor said. Since he was a podiatrist, I took him at his word and did long loops through the neighborhood the last three days.

Turns out that the rowing I thought would be OK for plantar fasciitis actually is not, and the walking I thought would aggravate the condition actually doesn't. Or at least it doesn't while taking high doses of ibuprofen with a taped-up foot shot up with cortisone.

But 76 hours later, I'm walking better and in less pain. When you're a walker in the suburbs, the temptation is to keep walking, even when it hurts. And when you're me, the temptation is to try and remedy things on your own. Even when weeks turn into months.

What I learned on Thursday is ... give the professionals a chance. They can do it in hours.

(Fun photo I took in Dublin that has absolutely nothing to do with podiatrists or walking.)


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