Monday, November 19, 2018

Calmer Computing

It was a day to rake leaves, plant bulbs, do laundry and prepare the house for visitors later this week. It was also a day to be frustrated by various computer glitches.

There was a new system update with all of its attendant woes, the retrieval of passwords once entered automatically, the held breath that formerly well-oiled systems would start up again.

There was the banishment of junkware called Gilpierro, which slipped onto my machine when I was downloading a schedule from a third party. That took about two hours.

With each snafu I worried that I wouldn't be able to access this blog or my email or the document I'd just been working on. But so far, so good.

I like to think I'm becoming a little saner during times of software distress. One might not notice this by looking at me, but I have a little more faith in the power of machinery than I used to. It's a calmer computing I engage in now.

(The photo doesn't have much to do with computing, but it's a calm scene.)

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