Friday, November 1, 2019

Dino Walked into a Bar

The Halloween'ness of yesterday was eclipsed by the World Series win of yesterday ... until later in the day, when my office held a party complete with fog machine. There were three folks from one team who collectively dressed as "working remotely" — wearing  robes, slippers and headphones and carrying big bags of chips to munch. They won first prize in the costume competition.

There was a dinosaur, a scarecrow, an Elvis impersonator, a Minnie Mouse and someone dressed as regenerative soil. (After all, I work for a nonprofit development organization with a robust agricultural unit.)

And then there was my fave, because we hatched the plot together, a woman who dressed as the Winrock "mouse" with gray ears and tail ... stuck in a sticky trap. The only hitch: this poor woman found just such a creature in her cubicle the very same day.

That's a little too Halloween for me!

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