Monday, September 7, 2020

Every Loop

Having just completed an afghan for my first grandchild, I'm now beginning to crochet one for my second-born grandchild, due in seven weeks. It's highly likely that the baby will be born before the blanket is completed — especially if, as seemed likely last night, I can't even get the thing started!

I'm not what you would call a crafty person, but I believe wholeheartedly in the beauty of the homemade, in giving a child — and now a grandchild — a gift I have created with my own hands. There may be dropped stitches and other flaws, but what matters is the love worked into every loop.

This morning I decided to eschew the Youtube instructions I found last night, which got me started with a slight deviation that made me crazy, and now I'm back on track. It may not be the world's most perfect afghan, but it will be my own — until it's my grandchild's, that is. 


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